Spain – Country Profile

The information was collected through a two-step approach
of desk research of relevant strategic, policy and legislative
documents, followed by a series of interviews with
representatives of government agencies and academics that
operate in the area of cybersecurity.

The main challenge in collecting the relevant information for
the Spanish country study was finding interview partners:
Not all representatives of each relevant stakeholder category
were open to participating in an interview and were not very
responsive. The Spanish Cybersecurity Institute contribute
through a written response to the interview questionnaire.
However, they collected answers from different government
agencies and ministries relevant to cybercrime, including
the Ministry of the Interior and the National Cryptologic
Center. There is much information on the regulatory & policy
framework and relevant cybercrime trends and developments
in Spain to sufficiently cover the different chapters of the case

The interviews were conducted between 14 February and
8 March 2022 (please see details in Annex – Overview of
interviewed stakeholders).

Full text (Adobe PDF, 1.39 MB, in Spanish)

Infographic: Spain Country Profile (Adobe PDF, 359 KB, in English)


See also:

Compiled profiles for Bulgaria, The Netherlands and Spain (Adobe PDF, 1.74 MB, in English)