Digital Reporting of Cybercrime: a Prototype Tool for Law Enforcement and Businesses
PublicationsTo contribute to the development of the overall resilience of EU society towards contemporary cyber treats, CYBBAR has developed a Digital Reporting Tool. It is designed on the basis of reporting mechanisms on cyber incidents in place in Bulgaria,…
Cyber Security Survey for Businesses
In recent decades, the private sector’s online presence has grown steadily, marked by the rise of Web 2.0 and the implementation of cloud services and mobile computing. Within this context, cybercrime has emerged as a dynamic and growing…
Cybercrime and Businesses
The Cyber Security Survey for Businesses report offers valuable insights into the extent of cybercrime victimization, reporting habits, and associated costs within the business sectors of Bulgaria, the Netherlands, and Spain. It is worth…
Cybercrime against businesses in the EU: Challenges to Reporting
Digital connectivity has fostered socio-economic development within EU Member States, but it has also highlighted the potential exposure of individuals, businesses, and public institutions to cyber threats and cyber-attacks. The…
The Cybercrime Victimisation Barometer (CYBBAR) project will contribute to the development of the overall resilience of EU society towards contemporary cyber threats, specifically threats posed by cyber criminality in all its forms.
This website was funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund — Police.
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